Welcome to The School Sport Partnership
Click on the link below to follow all the news from our local SSP
How active are you?
Did you know that the Chief Medical Officer’s guidance on daily physical activity levels sets out that children should do at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day? We try and do at least 30 minutes activity at school and so everyone should aim to do another 30 minutes out of school.
Try and log your activities and let’s celebrate your commitment at school.
The following sites have some good advice and Active East Riding is packed with ideas, activities and outings.
On Tuesday 9th July, Finlay was invited to attend the Annual SSP Awards Evening at Longcroft School.
The guest speaker was Charlotte Hartley whose career highlights include winning a bronze medal at the Commonwealth Games aged 19, coming runner up in the international Junior player of the year awards, winning a gold meal at the Junior Olympics and more recently winning a gold medal at a masters World Cup and being named England’s top goal scorer of the tournament.
She also spoke about her setbacks, struggles and the resilience needed to be an elite sportsperson.
It was then our delight to watch Finlay receive the first place trophy for ‘Outstanding Individual Performance in PE’.
This was an amazing achievement as pupils from over 45 different primary school in the East Riding are nominated each year.

The sun shone brightly on our annual School Games Day. All the children took part in a series of activities in which points were accumulated for their house team.
Then, the races began! From sprints to skipping, and sacks to relays, everyone did their very best to make it to the finish line first. Spirits were high and smiles were contagious.
In the end, after a very tight battle, Foxes were this year’s victors.
Well done to all who took part and supported the event. A special mention to our nursery children who raced for the very first time.

On May 21st a team of 10 children from Years 3 and 4 took part in the annual golf competition at Longcroft School. It was a lovely evening and everyone enjoyed the experience with rapidly developing skills displayed. Thank you to all who took part and to those providing transport.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, the girls at Lockington joined in the ‘Biggest Ever Football Session’ organised in association with the Girls’ Football School Partnership. Lunchtime break was a hive of activity and the girls were thrilled with their soccer goody bags supplied by our SSP.

On Friday 8th March we welcomed Ivan Oliver into school. Ivan is a professional golf coach who inspired both classes with lots of exciting activities. We hope to continue to work with Ivan in the future.

Beverley Grammar School was the venue for the annual basketball tournament for Years 4 & 5. The team were enthusiastic to take part in this new aspect of PE and the fast-paced matches soon had everyone warmed up and slightly out of breath. It was wonderful to see the determination and progress within the space of an hour. Brilliant work Team Lockington!

We welcomed Mrs Henderson from Longcroft School in February to work alongside some of our Yr 4 and Yr 5 pupils to train as play leaders.
This will regenerate our lunchtime play to keep the whole school active.

The annual zoneball tournament at Longcroft School is always one of our favourites. This year’s team were amazingly successful and won almost every match they played.
Well done to everyone involved and for the great support from parents.

The first inter-school competition at Longcroft School was the cross country competition at the end of September.
More children than ever represented Lockington and we were thrilled that two of our girls have qualified for the next stage of the competition in March.

Our first sporting event of the year was the intra-school cross country on 20th September. All pupils from KS2 took part in a grueling run three and a half times round the field. Just watching it was tiring! A huge congratulations to all as every single pupil completed the course.
We were thrilled to use our new SSP School Games frame to take amazing photos too.

Pupils from years 3 and 4 took part in the annual Quad Kids athletics competition at Longcroft in early May. The weather was bright to start but soon rain set in and everyone performed incredibly well in the rather soggy conditions. As always, the dedication (especially in the independent warm-up activity) and behaviour of Lockington pupils made me proud and some of the individual performances were amazing.

On March 28th we welcomed some new friends from Kings Mill School to play a range of sports for an inclusive afternoon of learning, sharing and community fun. Mr Cooper brought his class and together we played ten pin bowling, boccia and new-age curling. The latter involved a tricky scoring system which the students of Kings Mill were able to teach us. The afternoon was initially led by Lockington’s School Games Crew who got everyone involved in some energetic warm-up exercises. It was so inspiring that the leadership challenge was then taken up by a young lady from the visiting school. The afternoon was a fabulous learning experience for all the pupils involved, showing that sport can unite, inspire and involve young people of all different abilities who simply want to by healthy and have fun.

The basketball tournament at Beverley Grammar School saw a Lockington team of Y3 and 4 pupils raise their game to compete against seven other local primaries.
Although the event was focused on participation and enjoyment, our team were outstanding and won all but one of their matches. It was a fast-paced, energetic evening with stunning performances which were commented on by many other members of staff present. A competition to be thoroughly proud of.

Angel Sanderson, the leader of our Schools Sports Partnership, is very proud of how much we value PE at Lockington. She loves coming to visit us and we were pleased to welcome her in February to remind us how crucial it is to get 60 minutes of exercise a day. We try our best to do 30 minutes in school with active breaks, energetic playtimes and extra-curricular clubs.

One of our favourite team sports at the moment is zoneball. This cross between benchball and dodgeball requires speed, skill, tactics and excellent communication. We have developed quite a reputation as a team to beat and took our enthusiasm to the inter-school competition at Longcroft in February. It was a tournament for enjoyment and participation but we were very proud of winning almost every game. Go Team Lockington!

Enthusiastic pupils from KS2 represented the school at Longcroft on Tuesday. This exciting inter-school competition saw us playing against children from seven other local primary schools. Although it had a focus on participation and was, for many, an introduction to a fairly new sport, our team was amazing. Their skills were honed during the evening and every game resulted in success. As always, they were a complete credit to Lockington in team sportsmanship, self-belief and passion.

The weather just about held for our annual intra-school Cross Country competition on Tuesday 4th October. We welcomed Mrs Henderson from Longcroft School who made sure everyone warmed up properly before the races. All children ran so well and completed the course which was over 800m.
In the girls’ race, Ellie romped home in first place with Aliza running in second just behind her. Our most improved runner was Isobel who has transformed her running since last year’s competition.
William maintained an impressive pace to win the boys’ race but he was kept on his toes by Oliver who took second place. This year, Jensen was awarded most improved as his determination came shining through.
Well done everyone for beating the rain and showing great perseverance.