Key Stage 2 Results
2024 Results
The Year 6 cohort was smaller than 6 pupils so the publication of these results is suppressed.
2023 Results
The Year 6 cohort was smaller than 6 pupils so the publication of these results is suppressed.
The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived date from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.
2019 Results
The high proportion of pupils with Educational Health Care Plans in 2019 are reflected in the 2019 results – a small cohort in an inclusive school.
6 children eligible for KS2 Assessment (3 SEN including 2 EHCP pupils).
Reading: School 67% Expected, 0% Greater Depth; National 73% Expected, 27% Greater Depth.
Writing: School 67% Expected, 33% Greater Depth; National 79% Expected, 20% Greater Depth.
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation: School 33% Expected, 33% Greater Depth; National 78% Expected, 36% Greater Depth.
Mathematics: School 50% Expected; 17% Greater Depth; National 65% Expected; 27% Greater Depth.
‘Expected’ means ‘has achieved the expected standard’. Greater Depth means the child is ‘working at greater depth within the expected standard.’
Average Progress in Reading: -1.4
Average Progress in Writing: 5.2
Average Progress in Mathematics: -2.2
Average Scaled Score in Reading: 101 (National: 104)
Average Scaled Score in GPS: 100 (National: 104)
Average Scaled Score in Maths: 101 (National: 105)
Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics: 0%.
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected level of attainment or above in Reading, Writing and Mathematics: 50%.
Link: DfE school performance tables website (Lockington Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School)
Our 2018 Results
The Year 6 cohort was smaller than 6 pupils so the publication of these results is suppressed.
Our 2017 Results
Reading: School 86% Expected, 43% Greater Depth; National 71% Expected, 25% Greater Depth.
Writing: School 100% Expected, 71% Greater Depth; National 76% Expected, 17% Greater Depth.
Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation: School 71% Expected, 57% Greater Depth; National 77% Expected, 30% Greater Depth.
Mathematics: School 86% Expected; 14% Greater Depth; National 75% Expected; 22% Greater Depth.
‘Expected’ means ‘has achieved the expected standard’. Greater Depth means the child is ‘working at greater depth within the expected standard.’
Average Progress in Reading: -0.7 (unvalidated)
Average Progress in Writing: 5.9
Average Progress in Mathematics: -0.4
Average Scaled Score in Reading: 106 (National: 104)
Average Scaled Score in GPS: 108 (National: 106)
Average Scaled Score in Maths: 106 (National: 104)
Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics: 14%.
Percentage of pupils achieving the expected level of attainment or above in Reading, Writing and Mathematics: 71%.
Link: DfE school performance tables website (
Our 2016 Results
As our 2016 Year 6 cohort was smaller than 6 pupils, the publication of these results is suppressed.
We were the top performing primary school in the East Riding for pupil at the ‘expected standard’.
Our 2015 Results
As our 2015 Year 6 cohort was smaller then 6 pupils, the publication of these results is suppressed.
Our 2014 Results
We are delighted to be in the top 100 performing schools in England! 100% achieved level 4 or above, 67% achieved level 5 or above in Reading, Writing and Maths combined. Well done Year 6.