Class 1 Bridlington Beach Trip:12th June

Class 1 had an amazing day out at Bridlington beach as part of their geography topic. Their line of enquiry was to find out what it is like to live in a seaside town and discover some of the human and physical features found there. The class took part in a walking trail answering questions about Bridlington and learning lots of information about it. The Harbour Museum provided them with lots more interesting knowledge about Bridlington and its fishing industry. We then enjoyed our lunch on the beach followed by some creative sand art work. Finally, after all that hard work, ice creams were needed!

Kindness Workshop: May 2024

Pupils in both classes took part in an online Kindness Workshop, provided by the charity 52 Lives ( and their School of Kindness!  The leader enjoyed working with the children so much: “Their work was wonderful, as were their contributions!”  Pupils discovered that kindness has three qualities – being friendly, generous and considerate.  They learnt about the science of kindness and the positive impact it has on our physical and mental health.  They practiced empathy by watching videos of kindness in action and then said kind things to each other.  To put kindness into action, they thought of someone they knew who could do with a little kindness and made something to give to them.  Finally, pupils looked at the quote: ‘be the change that you want to see in the world’ and decided that we can help to create the kind of world we want to live in. 

Easter Service

On the 19th March the whole school took part in our annual Easter Service at St Mary’s Church in Lockington. Reverend Richard led a beautiful service and class 1 enjoyed carrying out some readings of their own.

Red Nose Day

Class 1 really loved taking part in our annual fundraising event for Comic Relief. The whole school was a rosy vision of red for the day! Lots of children took part in the decorated plate competition and there were some amazing designs. We were all entertained by a talent show organised by the school council. Over £110 was raised through donations, a cake stall and competition entries.

World Book Day

On the 7th March class 1 enjoyed taking part in World Book Day with the rest of the school. They started the day by inviting their families to come in and read with them. Everyone looked fantastic in their costumes and some parents dressed up too! The children took part in a virtual workshop and enjoyed listening to author, Helen Stevens, share her new book with them. She also showed them how to draw step by step , one of her characters form her book. In the afternoon Sarah Mckensie from Usborne Books did some lovely activities with the class and this was followed by a whole school book fair. A great day was had by all!

Reindeer Run

The whole school took part in a ‘Reindeer Run’ to raise money for Dove House Hospice. The children in class 2 led a warm-up to ensure our reindeer muscles and legs were ready. Then Jensen led the whole school on a ten lap sponsored canter around the playground. Bells were ringing and antlers were dancing, a whole lot of fun was had!

Thank you to everyone who took part, we are still collecting in the money and will let you know the final amount raised.

Christmas Enterprise

Lockington School’s Christmas Fair was a huge success! The event was organised by our extremely hard working Friends of Lockington School. The children opened the fair by singing some favourite Christmas songs and then it was time to visit all the beautiful stalls.

Class 2 had a great time creating decorations and cards to sell on their class enterprise stall. We will let you know what we decide to spend our takings on!

Special visit from Mr Webb

Class 1 were delighted to have a visit from Mr Webb who kindly came to talk to them about being a farmer in the local area. The children were amazed at how big the tractor was and learnt all about the things the tractor was used for and what it can do. Mr Webb told the children all about his farm and the different jobs he has to do on it. The children couldn’t believe that he has never had Christmas Day off, he always has jobs to do!

Special visitors in RE

On Thursday 16th November we were delighted to welcome Sholeh and Sina, faith members of the Bahai Community of Hull. They shared the fundamentals of their religion which is all-accepting and welcomes people of all other faiths to their meetings. The strong messages of love, hope and mankind working together as one, seemed particularly relevant in today’s world. The children enjoyed learning through story, song and discussion all about another world religion.

The Good Samaritan

In RE class 1 have been looking at  right and wrong choices. They acted out the Parable of The Good Samaritan and thought carefully about the choices the people made. 

Welly Wednesday

Reception and nursery children are really enjoying having fun exploring the environment on Welly Wednesday! Look at some of the things they have been getting up to.

Anti - Bullying Week

Class 1 certainly enjoyed getting the theme of this years anti – bullying week across: Make a Noise About Bullying when they took part in an active workshop led by Flex Dance. They children danced and sang superbly and certainly made a noise!


Harvest Festival

Class 1 were very excited to take part in their whole school Harvest Festival on the 4th October as it was the first time that the nursery children had taken part. The class performed their own version of The Little Red Hen and put on an amazing performance.


World Book Day

In the lead up to World Book Day, class 1 took part in some virtual meet the author visits with Scholastic. They met Axel Scheffler and listened to him reading two of his books. He showed everyone how to draw some of his characters, which was amazing. Next we met Julia Donaldson and she told the class a story called, ‘The Baddies.’ Finally we met an author called Kaye Umansky who told us all about her love of ducks and read her book, ‘The Delightful Duck.’ On World Book Day, we all enjoyed dressing up as our favourite characters!

Scooter Training

On Wednesday 1st February our Year 2 children took part in scooter training. They learnt how to ride their scooters safely and how to be safe near a road. They had great fun completing different scooter courses and they all received a fantastic certificate!

18th November

On the 18th November Class 1 had lots of fun taking part in activities to raise money for children in need.

Autumn Term

During the autumn term Class 1 designed and made their own vehicles. Look at some of our finished vehicles below.

The New School Year

Class 1 are enjoying exploring the school environment and learning together again after the summer holidays!