Lockington School OFSTED Report
Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMs) Report
We are delighted to say that the school has been awarded the top SIAMS grading, ‘J1’. The report highlights the school’s many strengths and is a testament to the way we work together to fulfil our vision and values and provide a school where children can ‘flourish’. The governors, staff and I are delighted with the outcome. The whole community – pupils, parents, staff, governors, the church, friends and advisors from York Diocese and the Local Authority – have all played an important role in securing a fantastic judgement and report we can all feel proud of. We hope you enjoy reading it – it really is an affirming and positive read. Well done and thank you to all!

For a paper copies of either report, please contact Lockington School office directly (01430 810240).

Click on this link to view the latest statistical information/performance tables produced by the Department of Education.   School information for cohorts of fewer than 6 pupils are suppressed to avoid identification of individual pupils.

Our Easter Service in St.Mary's Church