Staff are experienced in supporting children with a wide range of needs. Please see the link to our ‘School’s Local Offer’  for more information.

Mrs Julie Cattle is the designated Special Needs Co-ordinator.

Our Equality Policy includes information on how we involve disabled people fully in the life of our school. We ensure the views of all children are heard, listened to and, where appropriate, acted upon. Children with IEPs take part in reviews to discuss their own point of view about their progress. Staff are asked to identify any barriers they might face when working at school and all staff welfare issues are considered and reasonable adjustments made. Parents and carers are welcomed openly to the school. We ensure all learning opportunities are made available to children, no matter what their ability. If a child can not participate because of disability a suitable alternative will be provided covering the same learning objective. We have excellent relationships with other local educational settings, including pre-school settings and local secondary schools. We liaise with pre-school settings to ensure smooth transition for all children, including those with disabilities. During transition to secondary school we meet with future teachers to discuss the needs of the individual pupils. Social relationships between all groups of children are discussed in PSHE lessons and some pupils with specific needs attend ELSA sessions to help them build friendship and social skills. We fulfil our general and specific duties under the Disability Equality Duty. We ensure that disability is no barrier to accessing the curriculum, provision of information or physical access.
