Our Motto

"The little school that makes a big difference."

Mission Statement

Our school is committed to developing lively, enquiring minds and promoting outstanding standards of achievement for all in a happy, safe and caring environment, based upon Christian values, which encourages all to show respect, acceptance and understanding of others. Staff, parents and governors will strive to support and encourage the distinctiveness of our church school.

Christian Vision and Values

“Let your light shine, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Likewise, pupils are inspired through the love of God, each other and our world, to challenge themselves to fulfil their God-given potential through core Christian values of compassion, creativity and perseverance.

Our Christian values such as compassion, generosity, courage, forgiveness, friendship, respect, thankfulness, trust, perseverance, justice, service and truthfulness underpin our daily school life and are based on traditional British values and values for life. 

Our Aims
  • To encourage every member of the school community to strive for excellence, be proud of their achievements and value the positive ethos of the school.
  • To provide the highest quality inclusive education based upon a rich and varied curriculum, engaging pupils to become inspired by the diverse world around them, secure in the basic skills and the use of new technologies and given opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • To promote self-confidence by providing a secure, supportive environment where all can make outstanding progress and achieve their full potential through motivation, support and recognition.
  • To value first hand experiences, promote creativity and develop the ability of pupils to approach problems effectively.
  • To promote, through Christian values, a culture of care and consideration for all members of the school, the wider community, other cultures and the environment.
  • To help each child to think and learn, independently and co-operatively, thereby developing lively, enquiring and critical minds
  • To support personalised learning by giving clear guidance and direction for each individual child so as improve on prior achievements.
  • To develop an understanding of the need for good behaviour, good manners, self-discipline and personal responsibility.
  • To promote worship and maintain strong links with the Christian Church, whilst respecting parental rights for withdrawal.
  • To manage and provide quality resources and ensure best value for money.
  • To recognise the importance of effective partnership between staff, pupils, parents and carers, governors, the church and the wider community including local businesses, schools and the Local Authority.
  • To provide extended school opportunities and thereby nurture links between school, home, Church and the community.
  • To prepare children for a smooth transition for the next step in their education and help lay the foundations for life-long learning.
  • To equip pupils with the means of becoming happy, healthy adults and valuable citizens.
  • To promote fundamental British Values of democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs as set out in the Prevent Strategy.

We explore the Christian values in our Collective Worships and our reflection areas in the classrooms.  The children develop their understanding of a different Christian value every half term, thinking of Bible stories linked to the theme.  As parents and teachers, our example is critical for our children because they watch not only the media but they are also watching us!

Useful Links

Church of England

Diocese of York

A Church Near You

Archbishop of York Youth Trust

Lockington Parish Council