At Lockington, Collective Worship is highly valued and all children attend daily acts of collective worship. Our aims are:

  • Foster a greater sense of community and global perspective
  • Express adoration, praise and thanksgiving
  • Affirm Christian Values and attitudes
  • Develop self-awareness
  • Acknowledge diversity and difference
  • Appreciate the importance of other religious faiths
  • Be still and reflect
  • Celebrate personal and collective achievement

Collective Worship is organised on a whole school basis, and is led by staff, visitors and the pupils themselves. We foster close links with St Mary’s Church in Lockington and have regular services there.

The spiritual, social, cultural and moral welfare of our pupils, whatever their background, is of prime concern to us as a school. However, Christian values are definitely built into our ethos and teaching, and are reflected in the cycle of themes on which our daily acts of worship are based.
Parents do have the right to withdraw their children on religious grounds from acts of collective worship and if any parents wish to exercise their right, they are asked to discuss this matter with the Headteacher, and alternative arrangements will be made.

On a daily basis, we meet together to sing, pray and learn more about our Christian values, the Bible, and how it relates to us.  

Collective worship strengthens our school’s Christian identity.  It reaffirms our core Christian values of compassion, creativity and perseverance.  It celebrates our children.  It develops spirituality.  It is invitational, inclusive and it aims to inspires us all to ‘live life in all its fullness’ (John 10:1). Our vision is rooted in the Bible and encourages all to ‘let their light shine’ (Matthew 5:16). 

Collective worship is led by staff, by pupils, by ‘Open the Book’ (a group of local church volunteers) and by special guests.  We use resources such as Picture News, Roots and Fruits and Home School Values.  

We regularly hold services in church: children and adults join together for our Harvest Festival, Christingle Service and the Easter Service.  Our year six pupils enjoy a Year 6 Leavers’ Service in church every year.  We invite parents and carers to our Achievements Assemblies and we share in pupils’ achievements from home at our Home Achievements Assemblies at the end of every term.  

Click here to see an example of a pupil-led worship PowerPoint.

Collective Worship is organised as follows:

Monday: Roots & Fruits/Themed Collective Worship
Tuesday: Picture News Collective Worship
Wednesday: Pupil-led Collective Worship
Thursday: Open the Book Collective Worship
Friday: Celebration Worship

Values for Autumn Term A: Respect & Friendship
Values for Spring Term A: Courage & Forgiveness
Values for Summer Term A: Truthfulness & Justice
Values for Autumn Term B: Compassion & Generosity
Values for Spring Term B: Perseverance & Service
Values for Summer Term B: Creativity & Thankfulness

"Pupils enjoy being part of a small church school where the Christian vision and values play an important part in their lives. They recognise that collective worship is an integral part of their day and it helps them understand the world and each other in a different way to class lessons. They enjoy learning about the Bible and the variety of collective worships are well structured to help them understand the church year."
Jane Chipperton
"As a parent, I am especially happy to be warmly welcomed into the school community, having been invited to events such as the Harvest Festival, Easter Services and Christingle services that are held at the local church. These have helped bring the schools vision of 'let your light shine' to the fore. All the children have behaved impeccably at these services, and have been encouraged to be so engaged in the services too, from standing up and speaking to the audience in church, to 'playing out' roles that underpin the Christian values of both the church and of the school. It's always been a delight to attend these services and I will certainly miss been invited along in the future when my daughter moves on to secondary school."
Parent of Year 5 Pupil
  • "We learn about stories in the Bible, like The Parting of the Red Sea, the Burning Bush and The Feeding of the Five Thousand and we link them to our Christian values."
  • "I like it when parents come because they can see all the good things we have been doing."
  • "Pupil-led worship helps to boost your learning and build your confidence to have a go."
  • "We get to talk about things like Children in Need and Anti-Bullying Week and we can see things from a different point of view."
  • "I already follow the news, so Picture News gives me more detail and time to reflect on what is happening in the world."
  • "I like Open the Book.  They act out Bible stories and this helps me to understand them."
  • "It is important to reflect on your life and think about our values."
  • "Collective worship helps us to understand more about different points of view."